


Contents: As the business environment, the fierce competition of enterprises, forcing enterprises to strengthen internal management. Logistics is the "third profits source" are becoming more and more get the electric power enterprise's identity. Inventory management of enterprise management of appropriateness profits have great influence on the improvement, decision-making, can improve efficiency properly and to create profits. How to keep the reasonable inventory, meets the requirements of normal production enterprise, and can reduce inventory cost is reasonable current electric power enterprises must solve the problem. According to the RuGaoShi power supply company supplies company and the status of the 2009, combining modern warehousing management knowledge, inventory control, warehouse management level, and achieve promotion financial purpose.

Keywords: Inventory cost, ABC classification,logistics information system, zero inventory

第一章 方案提出的背景及意义 1
1.1现代物流管理理念在电力系统物资管理中的运用 1
1.2公司总体概况 1
1.3公司存在的问题(应该介绍库存管理方面的问题) 2
1.4市场竞争的需求 2
1.5解决问题的意义 2
第二章 方案一:准确控制库存货品 4
2.1运用ABC分类管理法对货品进行有效分类 4
2.2加强物资的计划管理 6
2.3运用物流信息系统对库存物资实施监控管理 6
2.4降低库存,逼近零库存的运作和管理 8
2.5经常清仓、查库、盘点 9
2.6高效库存控制管理需要高素质的员工 10
第三章 方案二:让供应商成为自己的仓库 11
第四章 方案比较 13
第五章 结 论 15
参 考 文 献 16



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